Monday, January 27, 2020

Significance of Sustainable Agriculture

Significance of Sustainable Agriculture Ahmad Fitri Bin Jamaludin Table of Contents (Jump to) CHAPTER 1: Introduction CHAPTER 2: Roles of Sustainable Agriculture Economy Roles Social Responsibility Research for Sustainable Agriculture Future CHAPTER 3: Importance of Sustainable Agriculture Future Predictions Environmental Factors Scarcity of Land Profit Factors Rural Economies CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION CHAPTER 5: REFERENCES CHAPTER 1:  Introduction Sustainable agriculture is the production of agricultural goods, necessary to satisfy the needs of present and future generations, in order to protect the components of natural factors, like water, air and soil. Technologies and production approaches that meet ecological environmental development requirements is being used for sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agricultural requires the prevention of ecological crises, like major accidents, with strong negative impact on the environment. Source: In the diagram, we can see that economy, environment and society play a major role to achieve sustainable agriculture. Environmental problems happen on big geographic areas, starting with the local level, on-going with the regional and ending on a global level. The global level prevents environmental issues from getting resolved and needs other global approaches. Globalization is an objective developing process of contemporary world that has a great potential for making the world better. The key causes of globalization are represented by two processes which are technological and political. The technological process consists in a strong and rapid development of communications and transport. The means of communication allow people to connect and interact on large geographical areas. The vehicles let people to move and interact in a short time over long distances. Political processes have made national borders easier to pass or disappear by creating international organizations. Environmental issues are related to contemporary social economic development. The main socio-economic issues to be addressed are combating poverty, changing consumption and production structures, demographic dynamics, environmental and human health protection. The survival of the society as a whole is influenced by individual behaviour and the behaviour of various communities. CHAPTER 2:  Roles of Sustainable Agriculture Economy Roles A farm must be economically viable in order to be truly sustainable. The environmental and social advantages of sustainable production methods do not always interpret into immediate economic improvements. Hence, sustainable agriculture practices can have a positive economic impression on a farm. For example, diversifying the farm with several crops and markets helps to reduce financial risk. Over time, improved soil and water quality, as well as other environmental benefits from sustainable practices, may raise the value of the farm. Selling products directly to local markets in the community reduces shipping and fuel costs and can potentially decrease transportation costs. While sustainably grown produce may not bring the full price premiums sometimes paid for certified organic products, growers selling directly to individuals and specialty markets can still capture added value. Production costs can be variously affected by sustainable methods. Fertilizer and pesticide costs are gen erally reduced on a sustainably managed farm because, for example, legumes and crop rotations tend to be less expensive than their synthetic alternatives. Labour costs are often higher than conventional systems. The higher labour costs are most often attributed to the increased time required for monitoring and managing pests on sustainable farms. Planting material costs can be lower for growers saving their own seed or producing their own stock. However, those using organic planting material often pay more for seed or other planting material. Machinery costs (purchase, fuel, and repairs) will vary depending on the specific type of sustainable production system. Conservation tillage systems and reduced pesticide applications can cut costs related to machinery use and fuel costs. On the other hand, certain systems, such as ridge tillage, can require specialized equipment. Fuel and machinery costs can increase as a result of moving bulky materials, such as organic matter, for soil improvement purposes. The result is that some farms that utilize sustainable agriculture practices may be more profitable than their conventional farming counterparts, although the reverse can also be true. In addition to crop production methods, many other factors can affect the bottom line, including management, marketing skills, and experience. Social Responsibility Social sustainability relates to the quality of life for those who work and live on the farm, as well as those in the local community. Fair treatment of workers, positive farm family relationships, personal interactions with consumers, and choosing to purchase supplies locally (rather than from a more distant market) are just some of the aspects considered in social sustainability. Community supported agriculture (CSA), farmers markets, U-pick, cooperatives, and on-farm events are just some of the ways a sustainable farm can have a positive impact on the local community. In essence, the farm supports the community and the community supports the farm. According to ATTRA (2003), there are few actions need to be done in order to achieve the social sustainability which resulting the sustainable agriculture. First, the farm should support other businesses and families in community. The money should just circulate within local economy. Young people should take over their parents’ farms and continue farming. Research for Sustainable Agriculture Future Sustainable agriculture represents for farmers and rural communities, federal investments in research, education, and extension geared for sustainable agricultural systems have been woefully inadequate. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition(NSAC) recognizes that without sufficient resources for relevant research, education, and extension, farmers and ranchers will be unable to access new and emerging innovations, information and markets that will help them expand their businesses, conserve natural resources, and address food and nutrition needs in their communities. Throughout 2013, NSAC worked to increase federal resources and funding for sustainable agriculture research, education, and extension in recognition of the critical importance that research plays in ensuring success and innovation across all sectors of agriculture (NSAC, 2013). In 2013, NSAC continued its efforts to secure increased funding and support for critical agriculture research programs, like the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE). SARE, US Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s flagship program for sustainable agriculture, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, thanks in large part to NSAC’s continued advocacy over the years. NSAC also fought to restore and increase funding for critical research programs that are currently â€Å"stranded† due to the farm bill expiration last fall, including those programs that support research on organic production, specialty crops, and beginning farmer and ranchers, such as the Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Program and the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program. The Organic Production and Marketing Data Initiatives program (ODI) is a valuable resource that provides policymakers, organic farmers, and organic businesses the data they need to make sound policy, business, and marketing decisions. This year, NSAC continued to advocate for this important annual funding stream, especially as USDA gears up to release its next comprehensive Census of Agriculture in 2014 and follow up survey of organic producers. NSAC also successfully secured a coveted spot on USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) Advisory Committee, which sets priorities and provides recommendations for future federal data collection efforts through the Department of Agriculture. By having a seat at the table, NSAC will more effectively be able to highlight the critical importance of collecting reliable data for sustainable producers including organic farmers and those growing for local and regional markets. CHAPTER 3:  Importance of Sustainable Agriculture There is a lot of importance of sustainable agriculture. The main significance is to make sure that the agriculture on supplying goods, food, water, air and soil satisfy the need of present and future. Future Predictions Source: Crop Breeding for Low Input Agriculture: A sustainable Response to feed a Growing Population Growth Figure above show the world population is increasing and the availability of resources statistic and prediction. It summarize that the number of resources going to decrease as the population increase. In order to stabilize the output of crops and goods, the sustainable agriculture has to be done. Environmental Factors Environmental concerns are vital to sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture is frequently described as ecologically sound practices that have little to no adverse effect on natural ecosystems. However, more than that, sustainable agriculture also seeks to have a positive impact on natural resources and wildlife. This can often mean taking measures to reverse the damage. For example, soil erosion or draining of wetlands that have already occurred through harmful agricultural practices. Renewable natural resources are protected, recycled, and even replaced in sustainable systems. Also inherent to sustainable agriculture environmental concerns is the stewardship of non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels. A key to successful sustainable production is healthy soil, with a central tenet that management practices â€Å"feed the soil and the soil feeds the crop.† Ecologically, this means that soil fertility is provided by adequate soil organic matter and biologically based inputs that feed soil organisms, which release nutrients to plants. Sustainable methods of enhancing soil fertility and improving soil health include: using nitrogen-fixing legumes, green manure, and animal manure; minimizing or eliminating tillage; and maintaining year round soil cover. However, depending on the condition of the soil, establishing healthy soils may take several years. This approach does not preclude the use of synthetic fertilizer that can be used to supplement natural inputs. However, fertilizer decisions are based upon soil test results and are applied on as needed basis. Synthetic chemicals known to harm soil organisms and soil structure must be avoided in sustainable agriculture. Source: Sustainable Agriculture (John, Robert, James, 1990) Combination of crops, or of crops and livestock, make farms more sustainable by maintaining soil productivity and by reducing a farms reliance on a single crop. On the farm shown above, the parallel strips of land have been planted on the contour of the terrain with oats (yellow) or corn or alfalfa (both green). Within each strip, crops rotate on a four-year cycle: corn (a one-year crop) is replaced by oats (another one-year crop), which is then replaced by alfalfa (a two-year crop). Such rotations improve the control of weeds, insects and diseases; they also improve the efficiency of nutrient cycling. Contour strip-cropping greatly reduces soil erosion. Other sustainable concepts include maximizing diversity through planned crop rotations, intercropping, and companion planting; protecting water quality; composting; year round soil cover; integrating crop and animal production; soil conservation practices; and attracting beneficial wildlife (Mark,Krista,Matt, 2012). A few traditional agricultural practices, such as moldboard plowing, are in conflict with sustainability since they can result in damage to soil structure. Rather, tillage practices should be appropriately timed, using implements that minimize damage to soil structure to the greatest extent possible. Insects, diseases, and weeds are managed, rather than controlled, in sustainable systems. The goal is not necessarily the complete elimination of a pest, but rather to manage pests and diseases to keep crop damage within acceptable economic levels. Sustainable pest management practices emphasize prevention through good production and cultural methods. Some strategies include: using crop rotations that will disrupt the pest life cycle, improving soil quality, practicing good sanitation, using optimum planting densities, timing planting and transplanting operations to avoid high pest populations, employing biological control, and growing resistant varieties. Monitoring pests through frequent crop inspections and accurate identification are essential to keeping ahead of potential problems. Integrated Pest Management techniques can be incorporated into a sustainable program. These may include scouting, targeting pesticide applications, and the use of biological pest controls. Pesticides are seen as a last resort when using IPM methods, and are chosen for their low toxicity, specificity to the pest, and lack of persistence in the soil. Achieving a healthy, balanced ecosystem takes time. Making the transition to sustainable farming is a process that generally requires moving forward step-by-step. While there are common goals that are critical to sustainable agriculture, there is no single approach that will guarantee sustainable success on every farm. The methods for accomplishing those goals must be tailored to the individual farm. Scarcity of Land Land is one of the resources that going to deplete across with the world population. There are some 5 billion hectares of land presently available for the global food supply: 1.5 billion hectares of farmland and permanent crops as well as 3.5 billion hectares of grassland, grazing land and extensively used steppe (Warner, 2008). Of this land, 1.9 billion hectares have already been degraded to a greater or lesser extent due to intensive and improper use (IAASTD, 2008). According to figures from the UN convention on desertification, 80 per cent of the agricultural land has been damaged by erosion to a moderate to considerable degree (David, 1995). Ten million hectares are lost to erosion every year. That is ten times the amount of arable land in Switzerland. And even in the developing world, expanding settlements are increasingly devouring farmland. All told, the rate of annual loss of farmland is 1.3 per cent (David, 2005). The need to stop the loss of farmland is urgent. This includes regenerating depleted soils so they can be uses in the future with sustainable production methods. Compost has a key role to play here. Profit Factors Source: Sustainable Agriculture (John, Robert, James, 1990) Profits from sustainable farms can exceed those of conventional farms, according to Steven L. Kraten, formerly of Washington State University. The cash incomes per acre for the two types of farms were comparable over two years, but because the input costs of sustainable agriculture are lower, its net returns are 22.4 percent higher. Variable costs include those for fuel, machinery maintenance, seed, fertilizer, pesticide and labor. Among the fixed costs are property taxes and interest on loans. The sustainable agriculture has proved since 90s that it will give more profit compared to conventional sustainable. Rural Economies Among the unseen costs of industrial food production are its effects on small family farms and rural communities, which include the loss of nearly four million farms in the United States since the 1930s (Gorelick, 2012). Sustainable farms cater local economies by providing jobs for members of the community and purchasing supplies from local businesses. A study by University of Minnesota showed that small farms with gross incomes of $100,000 or less made almost 95 percent of farm-related expenditures within their local communities (Chism, 1994). Research has shown that small-locally owned farms have a multiplier effect for every cent the farm spends, a percentage remains in the local economy, contributing to the community’s economic health (Swenson, 2009). Factory farms hire as few workers as possible and often purchase supplies, equipment and animal feed from the same agricultural conglomerates that purchase their products (Weida, 2004). The University of Minnesota found that large farms with gross incomes greater than $900,000 made less than 20 percent of farm related expenditures locally(Chism,1994) Industrial farms often have absentee owners whose profits are sent out of town. CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION In conclusion, the sustainable agriculture helps society, environment as well as economic in positive way. CHAPTER 5 REFERENCES ATTRA. 2003: Applying the Principles of Sustainable Farming NSAC. 2013, Annual Report 2013 John P. Reganold, Robert I. Papendick and James F. Parr. 1990: Sustainable Agriculture, 9-10. Mark Keating, Krista Jacobse, Matt Barton. 2012: University Kentucky: Sustainable Agriculture Werner Harder, BLW, BAFU magazine Umwelt 2/2008 International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development IAASTD, Global Summary for Decision Makers, 2008, David Pimentel et al., Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits, Science, vol. 267, 24/2/1995 World Population, Agriculture, and Malnutrition − David Pimentel and Anne Wilson; Published on 1 Jan 2005 by WorldWatch / Constructive Creativity Gorelick, S., Norberg-Hodge, H. (2002). Bringing the food economy home.International Society for Ecology Culture. Retrieved August 28, 2012. Chism, J. W., Levins, R. A. (1994). Farm spending and local selling: How do they match up?Minnesota Agricultural Economist, 676. Swenson, D. (2009). Economic impact of a diversified small farming operation in Woodbury county. Department of Economics, Iowa State University. Weida, W. J. (2004). Considering the rationales for factory farming. Environmental Health Impacts of CAFOs: Anticipating Hazards Searching for Solutions. Retrieved August 23, 2012

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Human Trafficking Essay

Since biblical times, men, women and children have been trafficked across borders and sold into slavery. The modern slavery trade is called human trafficking. Young Adults should be aware of human trafficking because half of the 27 millions victims are teenagers, 600,000-800,000 people are trafficked across borders worldwide annually, and 10 minutes from here in Westminster there are buildings full of teenage girls trapped in the malicious lifestyle of a human trafficker. And so the counter argument, Erick Erickson; a human events reporter stated â€Å"if we legalized prostitution this would all go away. † Meaning every money problem, all the kidnapping, every single little piece of slavery still today would simply disappear on one action. Some see eye to eye, others oppose robustly, without a clear decision and declaration the world stands oblivious. Sex Trafficking is a major issue in our society. As more researched is being done, it has come apparent that the sexual enslavement occurs most habitually in certain regions. The Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union countries, and The United States stand out as the major source of forced prostitution. â€Å"Eighty percent of the victims are female, and seventy percent of victims are trafficked for sex purposes. †(New York Times) As next generation leaders, we should become alert of this crisis and find a way to put a stop to it so our children can have a safe and healthy lifestyle. â€Å"An ounce of cocaine wholesale: $1,200. But you can only sell it once. A woman or child: $50 to $1,000. But you can sell them each day, every day, over and over again. The markup is immeasurable. † (2005 Lifetime film â€Å"Human Trafficking†). The absolute ignorance of these so called â€Å"geniuses† is causing pain to more than 27 million lives. This 8 billion dollar industry not only affects the innocent lives being enslaved but also communities around the world. About every 45 minutes away, you can find houses full of young teens imprisoned to perform sexual acts and labor for the buyer. 00,000 is more common than an average person can believe, think twice before you step outside your door. August 7th, 2009: Police arrest 23-year-old Westminster man who is connected to dealers in the business of prostitution and human trafficking. Eleven Vietnamese women are suspected of prostitution were arrested at the business location. The case was most commonly around Orange County, particularly in the Asian American communities around Little Saigon. Little Saigon is down he street from Garden Grove High School, knowing we are around the corner from danger , we should come together and discuss the brutality we will shun from here on out in our society for the better of mankind. My position on this subject matter is out of all the 27 million lives that were unlucky enough to escape this evil, we the free citizens should come to know this as a history and prevent it from growing any larger in our community. Take action, be loud, speak up, never underestimate our power, and become an inspiration for those in need.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Pimps Up Ho

In a generation where women have done extraordinary things such as run for Vice President, they are still seen by most men as their personal toys or objects. And to top it off, young men are starting to see women as such as well. Due to these â€Å"icons† such as DMS, Outpace Shaker, DRP. Deer, Jay-Z, etc. Are idealized by the youth but decide to relay the wrong message. Their constant use of bitched, sluts, huffs, to describe women have been implanted in the youth and they believe it is okay to say.Not only have they implanted derogatory words, but have implanted negative perspective of women. More specifically, men and women alike have a misconception of â€Å"groupies†. Sharply Whiting in her book Pimps up, Who's Down: Hip Hop's Hold on Young Black Woman, she addresses society's stereotypes and misconceptions of groupies and the mindset of a lot of these women. In chapter 5 (I'm a Hustle Baby: Groupie Love) of Pimps up, Who's Down: HIP Hop's Hold on Young Black Women , Whiting takes the time to define and evaluate society's view of groupies.The term â€Å"groupie† describes omen who pursue sexual relations with celebrities; particularly athletes and musical artist. The word originated from the asses-asses from Rolling Stone's bassist Bill Woman as a code word for the woman on tour. Whiting not only takes the time to define groupie, but analyzes a few women who lived that groupie lifestyle. She first analyzed rock n roll groupies. Pamela Des Barres, a rock groupie from back in the late ass's, who explained the life of a rock groupie in her book I'm With a Band: Confessions of a Groupie.Des Barres mentions the â€Å"drug abuse, depression, sex, and her naive experimented with feckless rock stars† but also describes that in her era, that the â€Å"knee bending and head bobbing† was the purpose of the groupies in her era. These women accepted the roles because they used It as a way to express their sexual liberalism. On the cont rary to rock groupies, hip hop groupies look for more than Just a fun time. They are looking to â€Å"vigorously derive power or fame (however small) from knowing public men privately†. While rock star groupies are more fan based, hip hop groupies pick based off the biggest contract or chart topping record.In a sense, both he groupies and hip hop stars feed off one another. While the groupies seek that power and fame mentioned earlier, hip hop stars desire that â€Å"seemingly uncomplicated and submissive groupie love† that boost their egos. There are different forms of groupies, those who do it for money, fame, or the thrill of pursuing a celebrity. But it is all just one big hustle to a female, Just like drug dealing or the rap game. Whiting uses details from Ukraine â€Å"Superheat† Stefan' book â€Å"Groupie Confessions† to describe the scheme behind being a hip hop groupie. For starters, hip hop groupies do not consider themselves groupies.On the con trary to back In the ass's-ass's, hip hop groupies have to maintain secrecy In order to stay In business. If women today announced they were groupies, they would then forever be cursed to constant ridicule and succumb to the stereotypes that rappers portray in their music. Would do interviews and she would hear comments such as â€Å"this Just in, no more whoring† or â€Å"so I shouldn't solicit you for sex today'. Stefan decided break the ultimate code of â€Å"you do your dirt, everyone knows you do your dirt, but no one talks about it†. Hip hop groupies know not to put themselves in the same situation asStefan, it is bad for business and they would be under constant scrutiny for the rest of their lives. As mentioned, groupies have a reason behind why they live the life as a â€Å"slut† (as some people perceive them). People see these women as having low self- esteem, and they are right about most of them. A lot of groupies have suffered from â€Å"parental neglect, rape, and domestic violence† that have caused them to do whatever it takes to feel loved by someone; even if that means degrading themselves. However, there are many other reasons as to why groupies do what they do.One Europe mentioned how she pursued high profile males because they are safer than some random guy at the bar. She said that â€Å"these guys represent an adventure in a safe way because you know who they are and you can go find them if you need to†. Another factor is more obvious one: bragging rights. Groupies want to be able to go home to their friends and talk about how they had sex with so and so. They believe there is nothing wrong with women wanted to have sex, and Just because they chose a celebrity to pursue they shouldn't be Judged for that. In a sense they act Just like men: â€Å"conquer and destroy, and it's a wrap†.This brings up the conversation that women in this generation have to suffer from double standards because if men we re pursuing celebrities to have sex with them, it would Just be men being men. One woman indicated that â€Å"pretty much the reason she bucked Jay-Z Just to say that they did it† and a lot of men and women alike believe that there is nothing wrong with that. However, some women Just want to have sex and Just happen to find a celebrity attractive. This reason is why women believe that they shouldn't be labeled as a groupie because they want to have sex with a celebrity.A perfect example of this is a young woman who had a sexual relationship with rapper Ill Wayne. After a concert she was asked to Join him on his bus and after conversing, had sex that night. She stated that she did go on the bus because she is a fan of his but that is not the reason that she had sex with him. She said â€Å"he was a gentleman†¦. A real respectful guy', and it was his personality that made her have sex with him. She also said â€Å"l wouldn't consider myself a groupie, because I wasn't do ing it because of who he was. I was kind into him as a person.I acted the same with him as I would with a regular arson who's not a rapper†. And there are plenty other women who have had a similar experience and would say that they are not groupies, but women having sex with a man they find attractive. Another reason groupies live that lifestyle because they enjoy the adventure. It really has zero to do with celebrity and everything with the thrill of the adventure leading up to it. Rapper Killer Mike said it best that â€Å"with a groupie, it anti about you. It is about her. She's Just fulfilling her moment. You're Just a character in the story.Tomorrow it's goanna be Newly and then it'll be Young Buck†. At the end of the day, a lot of groupies could care less about the celebrity per say, but about the adventure. Pursuing a celebrity is like a high to groupies rather than the sex itself. Other women do for more materialistic reasons. They received â€Å"perks such as money, diamonds, and furs in exchange for their trysts, a night in a nice hotel and so they can receive that overzealous amount of money from divorce, child support, or a rape charge. As mentioned earlier, this groupie life is one big hustle.Rappers spends hours in the studio, ball players spend hours in the gym, and groupies spend ours getting their looks together. At the end of the day, they are all pursing that high profile lifestyle. So the â€Å"hustle† mentioned in Wittings title â€Å"I'm a Hustle, Baby: Groupie Love† is actually the groupie. Whiting uses an evaluation claim by looking from both ends of the spectrum. She analyzed people's viewpoint on groupies and then analyzed the groupies' mindset. As mentioned before, a lot of people see groupies as sluts and who's looking for a get rich quick scheme and are willing to degrade themselves in the process.But if you look at from the groupies' point of view, hey have various reasons as to why they do what they do . Yes some do it for the money, but others do it for the pursuit, daddy issues, or bragging rights. Regardless of their reasons or even have degrading as it may seem, groupies see what they do as a Job and should not be Judged for it. There is not much pathos found in this chapter. However, the few comments by Ukraine â€Å"Superheat† Stefan really stuck out to me. She went from â€Å"expected and received money from every man in her life, especially celebrities† to hitting a â€Å"low point of homelessness-living out of her car tit her son†.There was a lot of emotion found in Stefan comments and more importantly it shows the highs and lows of a groupie. It also shows that being a groupie is a tough life to live. If you're doing well, you are at a all-time high, but even with the smallest slip up, you hit rock bottom. Stefan said it best that the same people who â€Å"write you a $10,000 check before, are the same ones who will tell you no in time of need†. Stefan however, was very upset about how no one was there for her when she needed them the most and used that to fuel her in the making of her very detailed book.The ethos in Wittings argument is pretty obvious. She uses women who have been in the â€Å"groupie business† to tell the reader details about the Job. For instance, I mentioned earlier about rock groupie Pamela Des Barras and her eventful life back in the ass-ass, and Ukraine Stefan and her ups and downs with some of the icons in the hip hop industry. Wittings evaluation claim would not be credible without analyzing these two women. Not only are these women describing the life of a groupie, but they also have some best-selling books that have very graphic but accessory details to better define challenging life of a groupie.All in all, there are stereotypes that come with every career field. People are going to Judge especially if it is not socially acceptable. Also, women live in a time with they will be degraded and double standards have a choke hold on them. Nevertheless, women, Just as men, are looking to make it in this world and sometimes being a groupie comes with that. At the end of the say, being a groupie, Just like being a rapper or drug dealer, is one big hustle and should not be Judged until knowing the real reason behind their career choice.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Research Design and Methodology for Business Decision - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3594 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/24 Category Advertising Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? 2. 1 INTRODUCTION OF RESEARCH REPORT: What is Research Design? Research design can be thought of as the structure of research – it is the glue that holds all of the elements in a research project together. There are many definitions of design, but no single definition imparts the full range of important aspects. 2. 2 BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH REPORT Company wants to know that quality of product is under control limits or not and they want to detect assignable causes of variation and to remove those because the following reason. . They face the difficulty in the consistency in the quality. Company keeps the eye on the ISO-9001 certification implementation, so they want to check the quality assurance. They are facing the high rework cost due to performance, features, reliability, conformance durability, serviceability of product, when they not met their standard specification. 17 SIEM/FM 2. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Quality control According to American society for quality control, â€Å"quality is the totality of features and satisfies stated or implied needs. †The process of monitoring specific activities to determine the compliance of their quality with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of nsatisfactory performance is called quality control. Organizations lay a lot of emphasis on the concept of quality control. Most organizations design their own quality control programs to check any defects in the products or services. Statistical quality control Statistical quality control is a number of different techniques designed to evaluate quality from a conformance view. SIGNIFICANCE In our company maintain the many criteria which we can say the many significance of the statistical quality control like: 1. SQC as a competitive tool 2. SQC as a statistical control process 3. SQC as a improving quality by control charts 18 SIEM/FM OVERVIEW OF CONTROL CHARTS If analysis of the control chart indicates that the proce ss is currently under control (i. e. is stable, with variation only coming from sources common to the process) then data from the process can be used to predict the future performance of the process. If the chart indicates that the process being monitored is not in control, analysis of the chart can help determine the sources of variation, which can then be eliminated to bring the process back into control. A control chart is a specific kind of run chart that allows significant change to be differentiated from the natural variability of the process. The control chart can be seen as part of an objective and disciplined approach that enables correct decisions regarding control of the process, including whether or not to change process control parameters. Process parameters should never be adjusted for a process that is in control, as this will result in degraded process performance. The control chart is one of the seven basic tools of quality control. CHART USAGE: If the process is in control, all points will plot within the control limits. Any observations outside the limits, or systematic patterns within, suggest the introduction of a new (and likely unanticipated) source of variation, known as a special-cause variation. Since increased variation means increased quality costs, a control chart signaling the presence of a specialcause requires immediate investigation. This makes the control limits very important decision aids. The control limits tell you about process behavior and have no intrinsic relationship to any specification targets or engineering tolerance. In practice, the process mean (and hence the center line) may not coincide with the specified value (or target) of the quality characteristic because the process design simply cant deliver the process characteristic at the desired level. 19 SIEM/FM Control charts limit specification limits or targets because of the tendency of those involved with the process (e. g. , machine operators) to foc us on performing to specification when in fact the least-cost course of action is to keep process variation as low as possible. Attempting to make a process whose natural center is not the same as the target perform to target specification increases process variability and increases costs significantly and is the cause of much inefficiency in operations. Process capability studies do examine the relationship between the natural process limits (the control limits) and specifications, however. The purpose of control charts is to allow simple detection of events that are indicative of actual process change. This simple decision can be difficult where the process characteristic is continuously varying; the control chart provides statistically objective criteria of change. When change is detected and considered good its cause should be identified and possibly become the new way of working, where the change is bad then its cause should be identified and eliminated. The purpose in ad ding warning limits or subdividing the control chart into zones is to provide early notification if something is amiss. Instead of immediately launching a process improvement effort to determine whether special causes are present, the Quality Engineer may temporarily increase the rate at which samples are taken from the process output until its clear that the process is truly in control. Note that with three sigma limits, one expects to be signaled approximately once out of every 370 points on average, just due to common-causes. 20 SIEM/FM 2. 4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE Core objective: To know the quality of the product are under control limit or not. Sub objective ? As per the ISO-9001 implementation the company wants to maintain the quality of the product and also wants some improvement in it. ? To measure the quality characteristics of the products with standard. ? To measure the attribute and the variables of the product that the match the std. or not. To measure daily variation in the samples in fraction that how much variance of them with actual. ? To decide whether specification limits are consistence with the process limit or not 21 SIEM/FM 2. 5 METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN: For the research purpose I have done the research on how the quality of the product is maintained and observe it with the variables and the attribute design. I just analysis with the various dimension like p chart, c chart, chart, R chart As per observation approach I have selected process or activity analysis of non behavior and nonverbal behavior method of behavior approach are best suitable of our problem. SAMPLE DESIGN: The target population is total No. of days and Units (industrial blades) SAMPLING METHOD: For observation study, we select Random sampling (probability method). ? Construction of the observation studies: Types of study: There are two types of studies Simple Systematic As in systematic observation, I required scientific instrument and training for observation but t o these limitations, I selected simple observation study. 22 SIEM/FM 2. 6 DATA COLLECTION The data collection plan prescribes detail of the task. In essence it answers the questions who, what, when. Who? I solely observe and collected data at Ravi sunrise Industries What? I have observed and collected data about work: Variables Data Of sample unit Length Width Thickness Attributes of sample units Data of sample through which the is reject/accept or go/no-go When? Time of study is important because many situational factors affect validity and reliability of study. I have collected data at time of regular production, which free from situational problem facing like stock out, any kind accidents, strikes etc. I have collected data from 21th to 30 June during idle time. 23 SIEM/FM 2. 7 ASSUMPTION OF THE PROJECT:- My study is based on some assumption are as under†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The samples are the perfect and reliable sample of the population. There are no external factors (environm ent) affecting to the production. There are limited sample size and time for research. Project is carried with time and money constraints. The std. deviation is 3 (99. 7%). ( recommendation by company) 24 SIEM/FM 2. 8 DATA ANALYSIS 2. 8. 1 TYPES OF CONTROL CHARTS Quality control techniques (charts) FOR ATTRIBUTE FOR VARIABLES P CHART C CHART CHART R CHART 2. 8. 2 CONTROL FOR ATTRIBUTE CHARTS In statistical quality control, the p-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor the proportion of nonconforming units in a sample, where the sample proportion nonconforming is defined as the ratio of the number of nonconforming units to the sample size. The p-chart only accommodates pass/fail-type inspection as determined by one or more go-no go gauges or tests, effectively applying the specifications to the data before theyre plotted on the chart. Other types of control charts display the magnitude of the quality characteristic under study, making troubleshooting possible directly from those charts. In many situations, quality measurements are expressed as attributes (good or bad etc. ). In such situation, the percent defective chart (p chart) or the number of defectives per sample area (c chart) are considered to be more suitable control charts to control the quality. 25 SIEM/FM Both charts convey a similar type of information, but p charts is based on normal distribution, summarized below. P CHART The other name for p – chart is percent defective charts. The purposes of the charts are summarized blow. a) To discover the average proportion of non-conforming articles or parts submitted for inspection over a period. b) To bring to the management attention, if there is any change in average quality level. The formulas for the control limit are as follows UCL = +3 OR UCL = + 3 Sp LCL = -3 OR LCL = 3 Sp = Total no of defects from all samples No. of samples X sample size = 23 40 = UCL LCL 0. 0575 = 0. 092419 = 0. 022581 26 SIEM/FM ANNEXURE- I SAMPLE (IN DAYS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NO OF INSPECTED 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 400 DEFECTS 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 4 23 FRECTION (%)DEFECTIVE 0. 05 0. 075 0. 025 0. 05 0. 075 0. 075 0. 05 0. 05 0. 025 0. 1 P CHART 0. 12 0. 1 0. 08 0. 06 0. 04 0. 02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10th observation is out of control limit so situation is out of control FRECTION DEFECTIVE UCL LCL 27 SIEM/FM INTERPRITATION (p chart): One sample point increased variation means increased quality costs, a control chart signaling the presence of a special-cause requires immediate investigation. That means the assignable auses of variation must be found out and removed. The sample no 10 is outside of control limit. So we can say that on that day the quality is out of control. And the sample no. 3and 9 is also very near to cross the LCL so we can say that on those days the quality is very good at all level. We can also observe that day is affected the all days of the observation. We also found that continuity of the quality i s not maintained by the company. On 9 th day the quality is very good near the LCL (Lower Control Limit) and 10 th day the quality is out of control. 28 SIEM/FM C CHART: This chart applies to the number nonconformities in the samples of constant size. C is a variable representing the number of nonconformities (defects) in each sample. Usually, the sample size is considered to be one. The control limit of this chart is based on the poison distribution. When the no. of defects per unit can be counted, c chart can be draw. In statistical quality control, the c-chart is used to monitor count-type data, typically total number of nonconformities per unit. It is also occasionally used to monitor the total number of events occurring in a given unit of time. The c-chart differs from the p-chart in that it accounts for the possibility of more then one nonconformity per inspection unit. The p-chart models pass/fail-type inspection only. Nonconformities may also be tracked by type or loca tion which can prove helpful in tracking down assignable causes. Some application of C- Chart is listed below. To control the number of non conforming rivets in an aircraft wing. To control the number of imperfections observed in a galvanized sheet. To control the number of surface imperfections on a large casting Equation UCL = LCL = +3 -3 = 1. 45 UCL = 5. 6 LCL = -2. 16248 NOTE: If the value of LCL (lower control limit) is in negative (-) so it is taken as a zero 29 SIEM/FM ANNEXURE- II NO OF SAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NO OF DEFECT 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C Chart The quality is under control limit and some points are very good at quality i. e. 10th, 13th and 16th No of Defect UCL LCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 SIEM/FM INTERPRETATION (C chart): As all the points fall within the control limits, the process may be regarded in statistical control. Only chance variations are present in process . Again the two points are very good on quality but the continuity is not available. The 3 point (observation days) 10 th, 13th, 16th are very good in the quality. On that day the quality is very good So from the chart we can interpret that the units are the no of defects of the units are in the control limit but in future to maintain it use the corrective measure. 31 SIEM/FM 2. 8. 3 VARIABLE CONTROL CHART Chart and R chart is calculated for the different dimension (variables) of the products. Variable data are continuous in nature and are measurable on a sliding scale. These data can have rage of values and provide more information than the attribute data. Examples of variable data are: dimension, voltage, weight, length etc. The chart actually consists of a pair of charts: One to monitor the process standard deviation (as approximated by the sample moving range) and another to monitor the process mean, as is done with the and s and individuals control charts. The and R chart pl ots the mean value for the quality characteristic across all units in the plus the standard deviation of the quality characteristic across all units in the sample, sample as follows: R = xmax xmin. The normal distribution is the basis for the charts and requires the following assumptions: The quality characteristic to be monitored is adequately modeled by a normallydistributed random variable The parameters ? and ? for the random variable are the same for each unit and each unit is independent of its predecessors or successors The inspection procedure is same for each sample and is carried out consistently from sample to sample As per the name indicates, these charts will use variable data of a process. Chart gives an idea of the central tendency of the observations. These charts will reveal the variation between sample observations. R chart gives an idea about the spread (dispersion) of the observation. This chart shows the variation within the sample. These charts use when we want the deep analysis of the variations. There are three variable (dimensions) for the quality objective which we can measure. 1. Length 2. Width 3. Thickness We had done an every particular control limit analysis as below. 32 SIEM/FM FOR LENGTH CHART UCL = LCL = +A2 A2 = A2 = UCL = LCL = 228. 69 0. 58 229. 762 227. 6184 ANNEXTURE- III FOR LENGTH UNIT IN SAMPLE SAMPLE DAYS/UNITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 229. 77 229 227. 5 228. 5 228. 4 227. 86 228. 43 228. 4 228. 85 229. 2 228. 56 229. 73 227. 43 229. 52 227. 8 229. 35 227. 89 228. 29 229. 64 227. 74 3 229. 81 228. 5 228 228 230 228 228. 5 229 228. 75 229. 14 4 228. 5 229. 5 229 228. 15 229. 5 227 228 228 230 227. 5 5 229 228 230 229. 5 228 228. 5 229. 5 227. 5 229. 5 230 = 228. 69 Average 229. 128 228. 946 228. 386 228. 734 228. 74 228. 142 228. 464 228. 238 229. 348 228. 776 RANGE 1. 25 1. 73 2. 57 1. 52 2. 2 2. 35 1. 61 1. 5 1. 25 2. 5 =1. 848 NOTE: A2 value table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 33 SIEM/FM CHART (LENGTH ) 230 229. 5 229 AVERAGE UCL LCL 228. 5 228 227. 5 227 226. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INTERPRETATION These sample quality is called better in those samples only those which sample are near the average. Those all samples are insignificant which are near the UCL LCL. And From the variation analysis we found in length at chart all the points are under the control limit. The observation no. 4th, 5th and 10th are very good from the quality point of view. But it is stated from the above chart 2 points are near the CL so the causes for that should be found it stated that company have to control it. For the ISO 9001 certification it is necessary to maintain the control limit of variable continuously. 34 SIEM/FM R CHART UCL =D4 LCL =D3 = D3 = D4 = UCL = LCL = 1. 848 0. 00 2. 11 3. 89928 0 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 R CHART(LENGTH) LENGTH 1 3. 89 0 1. 84 2 1. 73 3. 89 0 1. 84 3 2. 57 3. 89 0 1. 84 4 1. 52 3. 89 0 1. 84 5 2. 2 3. 89 0 1. 84 6 2. 35 3. 89 0 1. 84 7 1. 61 3. 89 0 1. 84 8 1. 5 3. 89 0 1. 84 9 1. 25 3. 89 0 1. 84 10 2. 5 3. 89 0 1. 84 RANGE 1. 25 UCL LCL INTERPRETATION The same in the r chart if the sample points are near the UCL LCL then the product will be insignificant for the company quality in future. The Length R chart is not out of the limit, but the variation of the samples is again continued. We can say from the observation that company should have to find the causes behind the variation which are continuing. NOTE: D4 D3 value are table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 35 SIEM/FM FOR WIDTH CHART UCL = LCL = +A2 A2 = A2 = UCL = LCL = 103. 346 0. 58 104. 4277 102. 2643 ANNEXTURE- IV FOR WIDTH UNIT IN SAMPLE SAMPLE DAYS/UNITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 103 103. 5 102. 25 103. 75 102. 95 104. 86 103. 95 103. 67 103. 45 104. 01 2 103. 19 104. 05 103. 15 103 102. 64 102. 97 102. 95 102. 89 102. 69 103. 87 3 102. 99 102. 81 101 105. 1 103. 25 103. 95 102. 61 103. 61 104. 2 106 4 103. 87 103. 25 103. 37 103. 44 102. 65 104. 1 104 102. 5 103. 6 103. 89 5 104 102. 25 103 103. 87 102. 95 102. 25 102. 89 104 102. 95 102. 25 AVERA GE 103. 41 103. 172 102. 554 103. 832 102. 888 103. 608 103. 28 103. 334 103. 378 104. 004 RANGE 1. 01 1. 8 2. 37 2. 1 0. 61 2. 61 1. 39 1. 5 1. 51 3. 75 = 103. 346 =1. 865 NOTE: A2 value table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 36 SIEM/FM CHART (WIDTH) 105 104. 5 104 103. 5 103 102. 5 102 101. 5 101 Average UCL LCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INTERPRETATION For the width control limit all the points in chart are under the control limit. And the observation no. 1st, 7th, 8th and 9th are very good from the quality point of view. We found that on the 3rd and 10th day of observation the quality is bad which is near the UCL. It is apprehensive for the company. 37 SIEM/FM R CHART UCL LCL = = D4 D3 1. 865 D3 = D4 = UCL = LCL = 0. 00 2. 11 3. 93515 0 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 RANGE UCL LCL R CHART(WIDTH) WIDTH 1 1. 01 0 1. 865 2 1. 8 0 1. 865 3 2. 37 0 1. 865 4 2. 1 0 1. 865 5 0. 61 0 1. 865 6 2. 61 0 1. 865 7 1. 39 0 1. 865 8 1. 5 0 1. 865 9 1. 51 0 1. 865 10 3. 75 0 1. 865 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 3. 9351 NOTE: D4 D3 value are table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 38 SIEM/FM INTERPRETATION From the above observation of the sample of 10 days we found that at 10 th day the quality is very near to upper control limit. The upper control limit is range is 3. 93 and the quality observation on that day is 3. 75 range measures which is insignificance for the company. We can say it is huge difference of width (dimension) from the any observation day. The company should have to find out the variation causes for that to maintain the quality in future. 39 SIEM/FM FOR THIKNESS CHART UCL = LCL = +A2 A2 22. 4296 A2 = UCL = LCL = 0. 58 23. 46432 21. 39488 ANNEXURE V FOR THIKNESS UNIT IN SAMPLE SAMPLE DAYS/UNITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 22. 5 22. 35 21. 57 22. 53 22. 64 24. 65 22. 35 22. 35 24. 02 22. 35 2 21. 95 22. 13 21. 68 21. 89 22. 13 21. 88 22. 6 22. 13 21. 68 22. 45 3 24. 02 21. 86 21. 87 22. 13 22. 35 22. 43 24. 02 22. 79 22. 83 21. 68 4 21. 68 21. 29 22. 35 22. 47 22. 41 21. 89 22. 13 22. 35 21. 9 22. 13 5 22. 35 22. 6 24. 02 23. 6 23. 38 22. 46 21. 87 21. 89 22. 35 22. 55 Average 22. 5 22. 046 22. 298 22. 524 22. 582 22. 662 22. 594 22. 302 22. 556 22. 232 =22. 4296 RANGE 2. 34 1. 06 2. 45 1. 71 1. 25 2. 77 2. 15 0. 9 2. 34 0. 87 =1. 784 NOTE: A2 value table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 0 SIEM/FM CHART(THIKNESS) 24 23. 5 23 22. 5 22 21. 5 21 20. 5 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AVERAGE UCL LCL INTERPRETATION From the above observation of the sample of 10 days we found all the points in chart are within the control. All the points in chart are very good representative of best quality. 41 SIEM/FM R CHART UCL LCL = = D4 D3 = D3 = D4 = UCL = LCL = 1. 784 0. 00 2. 11 3. 76424 0 R CHART (THIKNESS) 4 3. 5 3 THIKNESS 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 RANGE UCL LCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. 34 0 1. 784 1. 06 0 1. 784 2. 45 0 1. 784 1. 71 0 1. 784 1. 25 0 1. 784 2. 77 0 1. 784 2. 15 0 1. 784 0. 9 0 1. 784 2. 34 0 1. 784 0. 87 0 1. 784 . 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 3. 76424 INTERPRETATION All the points on r chart are between the controls limits. The process is under control with respect to range. Thus variation between samples is significant, while variation within samples is insignificant. Assignable causes may be present. They should be found out and removed. NOTE: D4 D3 value are table value which is std. for the 5 samples. 42 SIEM/FM FINDINGS Control charts are not maintained earlier by company, so all the benefits of that is not known by the company I found that the p-chart is out of control. So we can say that process or nonconformity of the units is 5 % in 400 samples which is insignificance for the ISO implementation at company. I find from the observation study on quality control that company is doing well in the quality. Appro ximately at all level of Control Limit Company quality is under control. The continuity of quality of sample is far at all level in all control charts. In any chart the continuity is not available. There is much variation we found in all the dimension at all level We found that company is facing a problem of reworking quality cost for the defective sample which consuming both time and cost. 3 SIEM/FM RECOMMENDATION: The company have to find out the reason for the some points which are out of control which is very useful and necessary for the ISO implementation The company should need one quality department which does not presently exist in the company the all quality is check by the supervisor, the department/ the general manager. I must say that it gives the benefits to the company. Another problem I found that the control charts should be made by the company it is very useful and helpful to achieve the quality objective. It also gives the idea about how much limit the company can bear the variation in the units. From the research report I found that the quality is under control, which favours the ISO certification. The process control chart should be improved with immediately. With the help of remove the 10th day observation company can find the actual control limit and also cause behind insignificant quality of products. Company should transfer from Traditional Measuring Approach to Modern measuring approach by investing tools Like Digital Verner, digital meter gauge etc. 44 SIEM/FM CONCLUSION As the trainee I found that company is establish there image in the market very tremendously from their quality only. The quality is the main weapon for the Ravi sunrise Industries to be stable in the competitive world. For the more global export the company is taking the ISO certification. During the research repot on the company I found that the company is quite much better in their quality. So they can take the ISO certification we can ensure that company wil l not face any problem to implement it. We found that company is growing every year 40%. The company is providing all types of infrastructure facility for all the workers. 45 SIEM/FM BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Used Author- Donald R Cooper Book- Business Research Methods Publisher– TATA MCGRAW HILL Edition– 9th Author- R. Panneerselvam Book- production operation management Publisher– PHI Edition– 2nd Author- Chase and Jacobs Book- production operation management Publisher– VIKAS PUBLISHING Edition– 9th Websites www. ravisunrideblades. com www. Tradeindia. Com www. wikipedia. com 46 SIEM/FM ANNEXURE ANNEXURE- I (The no. of defectives in fraction from the inspected 40 units. ) SAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NO OF INSPECTED DEFECTS 47 SIEM/FM ANNEXURE- II (The data for c chart for the No. f defectives in each unit) NO OF SAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NO OF DEFECT 48 SIEM/FM ANNEXTURE- III (No. of 5 samples length measuremen t for the 10 days) FOR LENGTH UNIT IN SAMPLE (5 nos) SAMPLE DAYS /NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 49 SIEM/FM ANNEXTURE- IV (No. of 5 sample measurement for the 10 days in dimension WIDTH) FOR WIDTH UNIT IN SAMPLE (5 nos) SAMPLE DAYS /NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 50 SIEM/FM ANNEXURE V (No. of 5 sample measurement for the 10 days in dimension THICKNESS) FOR THICKNESS UNIT IN SAMPLE (5 nos) SAMPLE DAYS /NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 51 SIEM/FM Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Research Design and Methodology for Business Decision" essay for you Create order